Edendale Middle School

6·7·8th grade Rocket Lunch bell timer


See you tomorrow at 8:15 !

4 school days left to no school (inc. today)

49 school days left to End of Quarter

Sunday 1-5-2025No School

debug only

Making Plans and Appointments

|-|- Jan 5, 2025, 12:20:33 PM

QR Code

Parents: please share with other parents. www.counteverybell.com

2025Jan 6Jan 7Jan 8Jan 9Jan 10
AM8:15 - 12:048:15 - 12:148:15 - 12:308:15 - 12:04
Lunch12:04 - 12:4412:14 - 12:4412:04 - 12:44
PM12:44 - 2:3812:44 - 2:3812:44 - 2:38


Edendale Middle School bell schedule

Edendale Middle School monthly calendar

San Lorenzo Unified School district annual calendar

Edendale Middle School official website

Disclaimer: This website is not responsible for any consequences such as absence, tardiness, or missing homeworks due to incorrect information being read on this webpage. Users should exercise judgement and check for correctness of schedules and dates on the school official websites. Students should also use judgement when activating the alarms in this program inside a classroom.

Privacy Policy: This website does not collect or transmit any user's personal data, information or cookies.

Inquiry: pcheung@cv.k12.ca.us